Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cheap Cars - Your How to Checklist to the Cheapest Cars and Trucks

This checklist will provide you with great tips to finding cheap cars. Don't make the mistake of paying too much next time you buy a car.There is no denying the power that cheapness can have over us. When we find something that has value to us and the price tag is lower than what we expected we are driven to attain such a deal.

When it comes to shopping for a car the same is true. If you can save just a few hundred or thousand dollars off the price you were expecting to pay the power of that cheap car will have taken hold of you.

So how exactly can we get access to the cheapest cars available? The purpose of this article is to provide a checklist of ideas that will steer you to cheap cars.

Point #1: Check all available classified ads for deals. This means the newspaper and the internet. Also don’t just settle with 1 website or one newspaper or flyer. Check multiple web sites and multiple newspapers of journals for cheap cars.

Point #2: Work the phones and emails. Buying a car can at times be a dirty job. So don’t be afraid to pick up the phone or send some emails to the potential seller. Tell them you have a budget and how much you are able to spend. This may result in bringing the asking price down to the cheap level you want for your car.

Point #3: If you are haggling with a dealership tell them you can pay using cash. This is even if you can’t. Cash is king these days. If you get a loan from a credit union or bank you will be paying the dealership by cash.

Point #4: Use an alternative means of car buying. Finding cheap cars or trucks at auctions can be the cheapest way of finding cars. It is reported that many car buyers at auctions save at least 65% off the street price of the car they get from seized car auctions.

Here is a tool that will allow you to find seized car auctions with these kinds of deals:Car Auction

Use this checklist and save big with cheap cars the next time you make a car or truck purchase.
By Michael Renton

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